30 Minute Holiday Service
Rosh Hashana Day
Sunday, September 17 @ 5:30 pm

Riverside Park
427 Riverside Ave
Westport, CT 06880
Appropriate for all ages

We've been blowing the Shofar, a simple hollowed out rams horn, for thousands of years in celebration of Rosh Hashana, or the Head of the Year also known as the birthday of humanity.

No medium will do, not a microphone, not CNN, not even a slight echo.
Intrinsically, the Shofar is not just a sound. It is a cry. A prayer. A soul-awakening, personal, meditative and rousing experience. Hearing the sound of the Shofar is the main commandment associated with celebrating the Holiday... Join us to be inspired.



September 17th, 2023 5:30 PM
427 Riverside Ave
Westport, CT 06880
United States
Suggested Contribution
Partner $1,800.00
Sponsor $180.00
Donor $36.00
Not at this time $0.00