Fundraising Campaign Passover 2024

It’s been a rough year for Jews everywhere. But I have some good news for you...

We know how to stay strong through hard times. We can get through this! We are getting through this! It’s connection. Getting together. Loving each other. Telling our stories. Practicing our traditions - together.

With Passover coming, and with many Jews here in the community feeling afraid, under attack, and alone... I’m asking you to do something important.

Will you join our Passover Campaign and help make Passover a reality for people here in our community who may otherwise miss it?

Your donation of $180 -- or maybe $360 -- will help make a place at our table for someone who needs a Seder to join.

You know the power of Passover: How it brings us together, remembering our past, looking toward our future. The delicious soup. The melt-in in-your-mouth brisket. We cry over the Maror and celebrate with the wine. Together we grow stronger and able to stand up to hard times.

In this time of rising anti-Semitism – when we can clearly see that there are people who hate us – our greatest strength is within and with each other.

That’s why it’s so urgent that you give today.

Wishing you a Happy and Joyous Passover,

Rabbi Levi & Chanie Stone


Lev Podelko
Arlen Fleisher

Memory of Miriam Shifra bat Chaim Yehuda


For all you do for the community. Many Thanks.



Jeffrey Allan Zuckerman
David Rowan Citrin

Refuah shelema for Chaya Nechama bas Chana, Baruch Sholom Ben Fruma, and all choline in Bnei yisrael May the hostages be quickly, happily free and moshiach now!

Margaret Sapir

A Happy and Joyous Passover to All!


Thank you for providing the sale of chametz service

Meg Lepisto

chag sameach

Daniel L.

Baruch Hashem

David and Rivka Kasle

In honor of Reb Yosef and his Wonderful Wife!

Tuvi & Hindy Greisman
M & M

Happy Pesach!

David Feig

Rabbi Stone. Shabbat Shalom.

Barry Skalka
Paul Keselman
David Z.

$ 21,228

donated of $25,000